Concept & Observations
By selecting the travel search engine box as our redesigning focus, we formed a task scenario with the user goal of searching for flight tickets.
- Imagine you’re going on a 2-week family trip to Korea in December. Search for their flight tickets in the cheapest way possible.
- Assume you’ll stop by another country before arriving to Korea.
- Now imagine that you’ll only need to visit Korea and purchase return tickets another time.
Then, we conducted user observations with 3 participants while having them think-out-loud and took notes of how they naturally use and interact with the interface. Below are some of the observation notes:
User tries to type in his departure location, but realizes that he isn’t able to type anything in the form field
“Oh, that’s weird that the form looks like it’s already filled out”
“What does ‘Adult1’ mean?”
User notes that the interface looks very clunky and outdated
“It leads me to another page, and I have to start all over again”
User has to click on several things before the menu they want pops up
User Interviews
After observing the users, we asked them follow-up questions to have a better understanding of their background and experience. Some of the questions asked were:
- How frequently do you travel by plane?
- Have you ever used Asiana Airlines to book tickets? If so, when was the last time you’ve used it?
- Do you use any other travel site other than this one? Which one and why?
- When is the last time you’ve purchased flight tickets?
- What are some good aspects you’ve seen with the site we tested?
- What are some improvements or suggestions you would like to recommend?
We found out that many were confused of the current format and there was a lot of room for improvement due to its old-fashioned design. This meant that we needed to analyze other travel sites that the participants were familiar with and incorporate what we’ve found useful into our redesign.