Design Decisions
For a better and easier way to explore our ‘New Mix’ design, the Deleting process was separated from the interactive prototype and converted to an animation format.
Below you'll see how to interact with the new "Playlist" navigation component and our redesign of deleting a song or multiple songs.
While we conducted usability testing to our interviewees for feedback, one of them expressed that ”the process of viewing my playlist is a few interactions faster than before, which seems like not a big deal but is something I definitely appreciate.”
Our newly thought-out interface addressed several heuristics that could be improved in Spotify, such as consistency and standards, to maintain cohesiveness for clarity in the platform. Interviewees often did not pay attention to the extensive list of options, and one individual stated during testing that “the tiles are cohesive with some of the other parts of the application where people can view genres."
Flexibility and efficiency of use
Recognition over recall
Error prevention
User control and freedom
Error recovery
Consistency and standards