Spotify 2.0

Revolutionizing your playlist experience




Type: Mobile Application Redesign

Duration: 4 weeks | Nov 2017

Team: 4 members

Service: Spotify iOS

Spotify has become a strongly playlist-driven service, consisting over 2 billion playlists and 170 million active users. It sifts through the metadata of playlists that are specifically geared towards users' musical taste. These playlists include genre-specific, mood-dependent, activity-reliant, or even environmentally-contingent options.


How might we reconstruct Spotify to build a more personalized and efficient playlist experience?

Although Spotify is a seemingly perfect platform, design is always a continous journey. Spotify already provides users with great pre-existing playlists, but users weren't able to filter and narrow down options to match user's particular needs and interests. Many users are hindered from curating Spotify playlists efficiently, due to its lack of clarity and customization in its interactive features. We aimed to ease the process of creating and managing playlists while also giving users the control to generate one based on their preferences.


  • UX Researcher
  • App Architect
  • Interaction Designer
  • Pen & Paper
  • InDesign
  • Sketch
  • Invision

  • User Research
  • Competitor Analysis
  • Wireframing
  • Heuristics
  • Usability Testing

1st phase

Problem & Goals

We identified common interests and ideas in reconstructing Spotify’s weaknesses. For instance, the current playlist management function lacks the heuristic principle of user control and freedom, such as deleting songs from and adding songs to a specific playlist. We proceeded to work on formulating interview questions and planned to build scenarios from the interviewees.

User Research

Creating a careful user interview guideline is essential to implement efficiency and good user experience in any design. We individually conducted interviews to three users who currently use a music-streaming application. Initially, they were asked their preferred music applications. Some questions and tasks were carried out spontaneously throughout the interviewing process.

  1. How long have you been using this music app?
  2. Do you use any other music apps other than this one? Which one and why?
  3. When is the last time you made a playlist?
  4. What kind of playlists do you have?
  5. Why did you choose your preferred application?
  6. What is a playlist feature that’s missing in your current music app that you wish existed?

We were able to discover intriguing findings, such as the fact that interviewees often do not pay attention to the extensive list of options, and rather, preferred to see clear choices in the form of grids that are seen in other parts of the application. A few even mentioned that they particularly liked the curated aspect of Spotify which made them use it more than other music applications that are often not as personalized (e.g. Soundcloud, Amazon Music). Based on these interviews, we created user scenarios based on 3 aspects: playlist creation, management, and other core activities within the mobile app.

You can explore our research data through this link.


A generic party playlist

Playlist for a friend

Playlist composed of new releases


Add songs to existing playlist from 'Edit'

Add relevant holiday songs from Holiday Playlist

Delete songs frome existing playlist


Listen to playlist on shuffle

Reorder songs in a playlist

Control where to queue a song

2nd phase

User Flows

Since compiling user scenarios, our redesign drew on aspects that we found well-designed from other music applications that use playlists. We constructed these ideas from comparing different workflows from those scenarios within different applications, (i.e. matching the playlist workflows from Spotify to those of Apple Music, Soundcloud, and Amazon Music). We created user flows based on creating a playlist from existing playlists.

Comparison 1 Comparison 2 Comparison 3

We also analyzed competitors' navigation structures and genre classifications. With a clearer understanding of how users can discover and navigate through different music streaming services, we found out that Spotify lacks the ability to combine pre-existing playlists. Also, though it's still an ongoing debate, we justified based on our research data that swiping left and presenting a confirmation pop-up will be more convenient and less time-consuming for users.


Rough sketching was essential as we went through many iterative phases of ideating and learning from the obstacles we faced. Since our goal was to redesign based on users' preferences, we wanted to make sure to emphasize user control and freedom by implementing undo, cancel, and/or back buttons on every page throughout the process of creating a mix. We wanted to convey that users should always be able to fix their mistakes or change their minds.

Below you can zoom in to see how our ideas transformed through wireframing and prototyping.

3rd phase

Interaction Design

With our 'New Mix' interactive prototype, users can create a playlist from songs chosen from Spotify's algorithms: Your Recommendations, Your Playlists, and/or Genres & Moods. As a way to expedite the process to curate a desired playlist, users are able to easily and efficiently filter the songs inside a playlist to search for specific tracks (i.e. by Title, Most Played, etc.).

Design Decisions

For a better and easier way to explore our ‘New Mix’ design, the Deleting process was separated from the interactive prototype and converted to an animation format. Below you'll see how to interact with the new "Playlist" navigation component and our redesign of deleting a song or multiple songs.

While we conducted usability testing to our interviewees for feedback, one of them expressed that ”the process of viewing my playlist is a few interactions faster than before, which seems like not a big deal but is something I definitely appreciate.”

Our newly thought-out interface addressed several heuristics that could be improved in Spotify, such as consistency and standards, to maintain cohesiveness for clarity in the platform. Interviewees often did not pay attention to the extensive list of options, and one individual stated during testing that “the tiles are cohesive with some of the other parts of the application where people can view genres."


Flexibility and efficiency of use

Recognition over recall

Error prevention

User control and freedom

Error recovery

Consistency and standards



By executing a well-organized procedure, we were able to enforce previously-mentioned decisions and solve major problems found through user research. Because there is no such thing as a perfect design, our team a lot of time together deciding and shifting to new improved concepts. As a music lover, this project introduced me to the design process of a mobile application that I use on a daily basis, and expanded my passion for incorporating functional user experience aspects in any devices and products.


An example of a difficult layout decision was the placement of the "Delete" button when deleting multiple songs. Based on the convenience factor, we decided to place the button on the top right as it is always accessible (as part of the fixed header) whereas the bottom middle location would move based on where the user is located along the playlist. Ultimately through many iterative phases, it was exciting to know there are limitless UX design adventures, and I learned to be more inspired by the opportunities in the never-ending world of design.